Monday, March 12, 2007

Movie Ratings Now In Effect!

Updating the list of movies I've watched lately, I've realized that folks reading this blog (all three of them!) might perceive my listing a movie here as an endorsement of said movie.

Au contraire.

In fact, I've seen an unusually high number of crappy films this year. (Perhaps a sign from the heavens to read more?) Some I chose to watch (my inexplicable penchant for the horror genre leads to quite a few duds). Others resulted from spousal whims or were recommended by various well-meaning people. =]

But in any case, I've decided to add a very rudimentary rating next to each movie to distinguish the truly good ones from the truly awful. (And man, have I seen some truly awful ones this year!)

So my very rough scale (from one to five stars) is as follows:

* = The very worst. Mind-raping or mind-numbing or both. This is not the designation for "so-bad-they're-good" movies. This is for the inexcusably, through-and-through bad.

** = Poor. This movie could never be mistaken for good, but there remains some redeeming factor--however slight--that rescues it from being entirely dreadful. (The "so-bad-they're-good" flicks may find a home in this category.) Still, you probably wouldn't ever recommend this movie to anyone and may even lie about having seen it.

*** = Decent to pretty good. As I'm thinking of my 3-star rating, those faces on the hospital emergency room pain charts come to mind.

Smiley Faces In Varying Degrees Of Pain

See the expression on the face above #4? That's the facial equivalent of my 3-star rating: not bad, not great, just kinda hanging out in between. Heck, a 3-star rating might even lean toward the face above #2: mildly pleased but far from ecstatic.

**** = Quite good. This is a great movie that, while thoroughly enjoyable, falls shy of complete greatness. It's the kind of movie that you'd buy a copy of, watch more than once, recommend to other people--but it wouldn't quite crack your "favorite movies ever" list.

***** = Bliss.

I'll be test driving the new ratings system and applying it to my movie list shortly. In the meantime, I really should go read a book...